The Pinchot Sailing Club

Membership Application



Payment of dues constitutes agreement of those signed below with the policies of the Pinchot Sailing Club (PSC), including the following liability waiver statement.

I/we are aware of the risks inherent in outdoor activities.  By participating i any activity of the PSC, I/we agree to assume these risks; therefore, I/we will be responsible for my/our well-being and those of my/our minor children while I/we are participating in the activities of the PSC, and while traveling to and from these activities.  I/we agree that the PSC, its officers, representatives or leaders shall not be liable for any injury, loss or damage to my/our person(s), my/our children and my/our property, direct or consequential, arising from the activities of the Club.

Membership is open to everyone, you don't need a boat to join.  Membership dues for the current year are $20.00 per individual / family for a recreational membership or $40.00 per individual / family for a racing membership.  Make checks payable to 
Pinchot Sailing Club and mail to the treasurer:

Marilyn Kentch,  64 Lakeview Dr., Wellsville PA 17365


Signature                                                                      Date                                                  



Other family members: 


Competitor #1:  ___________________________________ (name)

Type of boat 
                                                                      Sail #/colors                                  

Competitor #2:  ___________________________________ (name)

Type of boat ____________________________________ Sail #/colors _________________

I/we would be interested in participating in helping with your activities circled below:

     Racing     Committee Boat     Communication     Special Events     Social Activities

E-mail Address  

My computer can read documents in Word format:   Yes [   ]     No [   ]

Our club promotes sailing.  Novices are encouraged to join and improve your skills by racing.  Experienced sailors are also welcome.  

Check here [  ] if it is okay to publish your address and e-mail information in a club directory available to all active club members.  If you do not check the box, your information will only be given to club officers to be used for club event notification and/or club business.